Stay Involved with FNU
With You Every Step of the Way
At FNU, you are not alone in your search for clinical site placement. Our Clinical Outreach and Placement Services Team ensures you have access to resources that will assist in identifying and selecting a qualified preceptor in your program area who best fits your needs and interests. At your Frontier Bound orientation, you will meet your Clinical Advisor who will be there to guide you right from the beginning in preparing for your clinical experiences. While we encourage you to take the lead in identifying your own preceptor as there are many benefits to doing so, we are here to help you every step of the way.
As an FNU student, you are encouraged to customize a clinical experience that is unique to your needs and interests. With our clinical support teams and a continually growing network of nearly 13,000 clinical sites and 16,000 preceptors throughout all 50 states, our goal is to help you find the preceptor(s) and clinical site that is the best fit for you. Most students complete their clinical experience near their home, but some desire a unique experience such as a birthing center or a rural health clinic and are able to relocate if necessary to make that dream a reality. We commit to matching you with a preceptor; in some cases travel or temporary location will be necessary. We are confident that we can help you find a suitable preceptor site.
We encourage students to start networking early as strong professional connections can support the preceptor search. You will be assigned a faculty member whose title is Regional Clinical Faculty. This person will assess your clinical site and provide guidance and mentorship throughout your clinical experience. Once you locate a preceptor, our team will assist you in the next steps to solidify that plan. Our Clinical Credentialing Team includes ten staff whose primary responsibility is to assure that your site agreement and credentialing of preceptors is complete and ready when you are. They are here for you!
What is FNU's clinical experience like? Find out more here.
“I found the Clinical Outreach and Placement Office very helpful in helping me navigate what steps I should be taking next and as a sounding board for my ideas and concerns.”
- Crystal Miller FNU Student
Get to Know FNU's Clinical Support Teams
- provide assistance and resources in locating clinical sites and preceptors
- troubleshoot challenging situations
- work one-on-one with students to navigate the overall clinical search process
- bring support and customer service to FNU’s vast preceptor network
- ensure your identified clinical site(s) and preceptor(s) are appropriate for your program requirements
- serve as your mentors throughout the clinical practicum
- establish an affiliation agreement (contract) with your clinical site
- exchange certificates of insurance
- credential preceptors
- facilitate your student onboarding at the site
- meet state board of nursing requirements for clinical placement
“We just want to make sure that our students know that we are here to help them any way we can. We have tools and resources to help them conduct their search and are always happy to hear their success stories.”
- Katie Graves Clinical Advisor
Explore FNU's Clinical Support Resources
Apply today to join our Culture of Caring at Frontier Nursing University where we can help you achieve your professional dreams.