In 2025, Frontier Nursing University celebrates the 100-year anniversary of the inception of the Frontier Nursing Service. We are grateful for the alumni, students, couriers, donors, volunteers, friends, and employees who have made an incredible impact on FNU’s century-long journey. We are celebrating this milestone year by capturing and sharing some of the countless stories that make up our history. Whatever your connection to FNU, we hope you enjoy these stories and are inspired to share your own story with us.
Jean Fee was born in 1937 and grew up with her sister and brother on her family’s ranch in rural western Alberta, Canada. She rode six miles each way on horseback to attend the small high school established for the ranch children of the area. Upon finishing high school, she trained to qualify as a Registered Nurse in the Calgary General Hospital (CGH) nurse training program.
Fee was drawn to the natural process of midwifery after being appalled by the birthing experience in hospitals, where mothers frequently had little opportunity to bond with their newborn babies.
In 1958, Jean left her home in Alberta to travel to the mountains of eastern Kentucky to attend the Frontier School of Midwifery. After graduating in 1959, she went back to Alberta, where she married Phillip Fee in 1962. They raised two children while Phillip worked as a barber and Jean worked for the local health department and on the staff of Turner Valley District Hospital.
In 1973, Fee returned to Kentucky, settling in McKee. Jean applied her blend of experience in both public health and hospital acute care working in the private practice of a local family physician and at Manchester Hospital.
In 1980, Jean’s knowledge, skills, and experience were accepted for certification as one of the first Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) licensed by the state of Kentucky. She practiced as a Family Nurse Practitioner at the non-profit White House Clinics in McKee until she retired from clinical practice. White House Clinics are non-profit, Federally Qualified Health Care Centers that receive federal funding to offset costs for uninsured and low-income patients.
Throughout these years, Jean maintained a close, hands-on relationship with Frontier. She shared her clinical experience by precepting and mentoring Frontier’s family nursing students. She also volunteered with the Frontier Courier program, mentoring the students as well as frequently housing and feeding them.
For over 15 years, Jean welcomed Frontier’s new students by presenting a slideshow upon their arrival. She presented the history of the FNS through her own experience and photographs. She attended more than one hundred orientations, beginning in 2002. Everyone who came in contact with Jean learned something from her and took away a piece of her dedication to nursing and the care of others.
“We are there for the patient, and that’s our whole reason for being,” Jean said. “If you lose sight of that, then you totally lose sight of what you’re trying to do.”
In 2009, FNU honored Jean Fee with the Distinguished Service to Alma Mater award. In 2013 FNU presented her with an honorary Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in recognition of her lifelong dedication to nursing. In 2014, she was named one of 75 honorees during FNU’s 75th anniversary.
Jean Fee passed away on January 4, 2018.
We want to celebrate our anniversary by capturing and sharing the countless stories that make up our history. Whatever your connection to FNU, we are incredibly grateful to you and want to hear your Frontier story.
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