FNU students are eligible to transfer a maximum of ten (10) credits into their program of study if the credits were earned at a regionally accredited institution of higher learning and nursing courses earned in an ACEN or CCNE accredited program that was accredited at the time the courses were completed and meet the following criteria:
- Only didactic MSN, PGC, and DNP courses may be transferred. Clinical and DNP project courses may not be transferred.
- Transferred courses must meet comparable course objectives, essentials, and competencies as are included in the FNU course (example: if a course is transferred into the DNP, the course must contain doctoral level content and must contain course objectives that are comparable to those of FNU’s DNP courses) . Courses submitted for credit for advanced pathophysiology, advanced pharmacology, or advanced physical assessment must be offered as part of a nurse practitioner or nurse-midwifery program.
- Courses will be eligible for consideration of transfer credit if the student has completed a course with a B or better with equivalent content in a prior academic graduate program.
- Courses must total the number of workload credits of the FNU course, e.g. if the intended FNU course awards 3 semester credits, the total number of credits from the transferred course(s) must equal 3 semester credits. The conversion of quarter credits to semester credits will be done by dividing the number of quarter credits by 1.5.
- Coursework completed on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis will not be considered for transfer unless the course was only offered to students on a pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis and it is clear from the transcript that a pass or satisfactory grade is equivalent to a B or better.
- Graduate level courses applied to undergraduate degrees are not eligible for transfer.
- Variables that influence course transfer include the age of the course and the student’s certification and clinical practice experience. To be considered for transfer:
- MSN/PGC: courses (1) must be part of a previously completed graduate degree OR (2) be less than or equal to two years old at the time of admission. Approved transfer credit that was not part of a previously completed graduate degree will affect the maximum allowable date for program completion. Approved transfer credit that was not part of a previously completed graduate degree must be no older than five years at the point of completing the FNU MSN degree or PGC program. The latest date for degree completion will be communicated by the Department Chair or Program Director who is approving the transfer credit.
- DNP: courses (1) must be part of a previously completed graduate degree, OR (2) be less than or equal to five (5) years old at the time of admission. DNP level courses that were not part of a previously completed graduate degree and are older than five years may be considered on a case-by-case basis as determined by the DNP Program Director.
Students are allowed to apply a maximum of ten (10) credit hours earned via course transfer, and gap analysis combined. The accumulated total of course transfer, gap analysis, and program of study (POS) adjustments may not exceed two-thirds of the degree requirements.
Students may submit one to two previous courses to transfer for a single FNU course, e.g. submitting a biostatistics course syllabus and an epidemiology course syllabus to transfer for the FNU Epi & Biostatistics course. More than two previous courses intended to transfer for a single FNU course will not be considered for transfer credit. Students with a content background in a particular subject but who do not have a specific course to transfer should consider the Challenge Policy for Academic Courses.
Grades from transferred courses do not factor into the FNU GPA. The course transfer fee for review of materials is assessed, whether or not a course is accepted for transfer credits. Transfer credits are to be calculated in determining Satisfactory Academic Progress.
Students are strongly encouraged to submit all transfer course requests prior to attending Bound orientation. Students should not register for a course for which they intend to request transfer credits until the transfer course review has been completed by the Department Chair or Program Director. There is no appeal process for declined transfer credit; the decision of the Department Chair or Program Director is final.
If a student registers for a course and subsequently requests transfer credit for the same course, the student will be responsible for meeting all university deadlines regarding course registration and payment, including the course add/drop deadline, course withdrawal deadline, grading policies, and tuition refund policies. If a student receives a final grade of F in an FNU course, requests for transfer credit review for previously completed coursework to replace the failed course will not be considered.
There is no appeal process for declined transfer credit; the decision of the Department Chair or Program Director is final.
Courses that are eligible for consideration of transfer credit include:
* NM700 Role of the Nurse-Midwife (3)
* NP700 Role of the Nurse Practitioner (3)
* PC705 Advanced Pathophysiology (3)
* PC707 Advanced Pharmacology Across the Lifespan (3)
* PC716 Advanced Physical Assessment, Clinical Reasoning, and Documentation (4)
* PC719 Psych Concepts for APRNs (3)
* PC702 Population Health (3)
* PC711 Nurse as Educator (3)
* PC718 Evidence Based Practice (3)
* PC727 Ethics and Health Policy (3)
* PC728 Leadership and Organizational Dynamics (3)
NOTE that graduate level Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Physical Assessment are requirements for admission into the PGC. These courses do not count toward the allowable 10 credit hour limit for a PGC student.
Clinical and DNP project courses are not eligible for transfer.
Course Transfer Procedure
- The student reviews the FNU Course Descriptions and FNU syllabi prior to applying for transfer. Course descriptions can be found in the FNU Catalog and the most recent FNU syllabi can be accessed via the FNU Portal.
- The student notes any course(s) that are similar in content and credits to graduate level courses previously completed in a graduate level program that meets all of the criteria listed in the policy above.
- For each course that is to be reviewed for transfer, the student submits a completed Course Transfer Form, Official Transcript (if not already submitted at the point of Admission to FNU), Course Description and Course Syllabus to the Registrar for the course being considered. If the course syllabus does not indicate the topics covered, the student must submit appropriate supplemental documentation.
- The student remits the transfer review fee.
- The Department Chair or Program Director reviews the submitted materials and confers with the student if needed. The Department Chair or Program Director will notify the student, Registrar and Academic Advisor of the decision.
Transferability of Frontier Credit to Other Institutions
Frontier Nursing University develops the curriculum based on a policy which assigns workload for a credit hour. This definition of a credit hour at FNU is found in this catalog under Assignment of Credit. This standard along with the institutional accreditation of FNU provides an increased possibility that credits would be able to be transferred to another institution. That said, students should be aware that transfer of credit is always the responsibility of the receiving institution. Any student interested in transferring credit hours should check with the receiving institution directly to determine to what extent, if any, credit hours can be transferred.